In-Haus Jade Stone Massage Comb
Jade Combs have traditionally been used to massage the scalp and body. In doing so they not only untangle the hair they also gently stimulate the acupressure points to unblock the energy channels. These practices have been used for thousands of years and are a relaxing meditative experience.
The key benefits of the jade massaging comb are -
- Gently smooths and nourishes the hair. This turns an every day chore into a relaxing ritual
- Provides a deep relaxing scalp massage
- Body combing works to increase energy flow, stimulate micro circulation to nourish the skin and releases stagnation
Jade Hair Comb Benefits
The 3 principle benefits to combing your hair with jade are-. 1. The smooth jade naturally caresses hair in a way plastic never could. 2. The comb gently stimulates the acupuncture points to improve health and concentration. 3. Combing your hair suddenly becomes a beautiful ritual you look forward to every day.
Body Combing Jade
Body combing has ancient roots and has only recently become a huge trend with upmarket beauty retailers. Body combing involves gently stroking the crystal comb along the limbs to stimulate the flow of blood and energy in the acupuncture channels of the body.
When using the jade stone comb for body combing it can be used with a good quality body oil or used alone.
Jade Comb for Cellulite
Body combing has more recently become very popular to assist cellulite. By gently stroking the jade comb across the skin you dramatically increase blood flow to the skin to nourish the area. The body brushing with the comb also improves lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling.
This can help benefit areas with increased fat accumulation in these areas and improve the appearance of the skin. In this way it acts as the ultimate beauty restorer comb.
How to Use Jade Combs
- To comb your hair gently run the comb through your hair from front to back. Where possible start on the right side as this is the way energy was believed to flow on the head.
- Where possible transform this process into a relaxing ritual that you can use to unwind and clear your mind every day.
- When body combing the limbs use gently pressure to comb up the out side of the arms and down the inside of the arms. The comb up the inside of the legs and down the outside of the legs. This is the way the energy channels traditionally flow on the limbs.
- Usually a smooth stroking action is recommended but small circular motions can also be used.
- Heavy pressure is not recommended but if you do use heavy pressure then always comb from the lower limb upwards on both sides of the limb. This will help improve venous drainage.
Chinese Jade Comb Use
The Pure Jade Luxury Crystal Comb for Silky Soft Hair has long been a staple in Chinese culture. It was traditionally more precious than any gold offering you could receive. Originally hailed as a "Gua sha comb," the uses were to focus on the acupressure points to increase health and to create silky flowing hair.
The tops of our heads have 12 main areas of acupuncture channels according to the "Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view." As you go across them gently with your Pure Jade comb, you are arousing these points and enhancing your wellbeing. Utilizing one of these combs is a long standing Chinese tradition that focuses on keeping your hair radiant and shining.
In Traditional Chinese medicine, "the hair represents the health of the Kidneys, Jing and the quality of the blood".
*Each comb sold separately
Comb |
Jade |
8.5 x 3.88cm (dark jade) /8.6x4.4cm (light Jade) |
heavy weighted comb with smooth carved edges